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For all your digital marketing needs
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About NSHmedia

NSHmedia is the brainchild of Nikkayla S. Henricksen, a digital marketing consultant. I’ve spent seven years working in London across a variety of B2C projects. Over that time, I’ve never specialised in a specific marketing discipline. I have, however, seen how impactful digital marketing is for small businesses and brands. 


That’s where NSHmedia starts. London’s a vibrant city with so many small businesses, start-ups and charities. However, the day to day grind gets a lot of brands down without the ability to truly focus on marketing. I started NSHmedia in 2016 to focus on business to consumer client work. I keep my costs low because I truly believe that digital marketing offers a leg up to small businesses that deserve to have their brand recognised. 


This low cost doesn’t mean you miss out in quality. It’s the opposite. I’ve seen over and over again how some “digital marketing agencies” take advantage of small companies and brands. NSHmedia is about low cost, high quality marketing to show that marketing doesn’t have to be this Mad Men-esque monster. It can be about helping small businesses and brands grow to their full potential, providing consumers with a hole in the market that the company provides. 


With this model, it does mean client work with NSHmedia is limited but please contact me to see if I have any slots for upcoming client work.



How I can help, whether a small project or a larger idea needing a variety of digital marketing help


Social Media Marketing






Email Marketing


Content Creation






Website Creation


Event Marketing

Past Clients

An example of previous projects and clients

Past Clients


If you need someone to take care of your MailChimp needs look no further. Nikkayla, is a great freelancer. Fast and completes the work quickly. 

More About NSHmedia

How I work for you as a consultant and my pricing system, all designed to support small businesses, start-ups and charities. Don't count as any of these three? I can still help with larger companies but contact me with your needs for a price quote.


I believe that marketing for small businesses should be accessible. All my services are priced hourly at London living wage. So no matter the type of project, you can get a fair price to help your brand.


With the price structure hourly, there's a transparent hourly system. With each project, you'll be able to see exactly where your spend is. Working efficiently and effectively with quality in mind, there's a quick return on all projects and upfront honesty at the timeframe of each project.


After your project is completed, if you wouldn't rate the service as five stars, the project will be re-worked at no extra cost until you're satisfied and happy to rate my services as five stars. 

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Need discretion with your project? I majority of my clients require NDAs for their work and NSHmedia can work under an NDA with total assurance. Whether you're working on a large project that requires an NDA or if you just prefer not to make your freelancers and work public, it's not a problem.  

River Thames, London

Contact NSHmedia

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